'Stay' is a word that's memorable, a word with a message and a purpose - a word that's there to be sung, so the musical accompaniment adds a nice sense of urgency to it. I'm so glad that Johnny has set 'Stay' to music. A big 'well done' to both of you!

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Thank you Martin. I think Stay, has a sense ok urgency to remain and to abandon something that's hurting. Do you agree?

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Yes, having the courage to be resilient, and to endure some discomfort for the greater good can be an important life-lesson. The important thing is to weigh up the situation and listen closely to the voice of your heart. You have it there in the lyrics: 'Let the voice that comes from your heart show you the way.'

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The repetition becomes like a mantra. Definitely true that some things you stay and fight for. Until there is no reason, no safe space, no must to stay. Being a bit old school and for creativeness, I didn't listen to the AI yet... I walked away from that option and opted to stay with the written version of this poem.

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The voice and music added additional dimensions. I thought it was a commandment from heaven!

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Thank you Stanley.

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