Jun 17Liked by Rolando Andrade

There is an old Middle Eastern story:

A man and his son are travelling to another city with their little donkey. On their way they meet another traveller going in the opposite direction. The father asks the traveller whether they’ll make it in time to reach the city they’re going to before the city gates will close. The traveller tells the father he’ll get there in time if he won’t hurry.

What a strange advice, so they spur the little donkey to hurry up. The poor animal stumbles across a stone in the sand and starts limping.

When they finally reach the city, the gates are closed and they have to spend the night in the open.

Then, the father realises how true the advice had been.

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Jun 18Liked by Rolando Andrade

By running all the time, you also lose many moments of time when you could just make the most of the time you have by just being present.

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And when you are present, you're allways on time 😉

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Jun 17Liked by Rolando Andrade

Really enjoyed reading this as I seem to frequently run out of time on many occasions! It’s a wonderful reminder as to the futility of always rushing about and to slow down. Time is our master.

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Hi Grace, thanks for your comment. Yes, time commands us and when we're running against it we don't even realize that it's also running, faster and faster. There's always time for time

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An absolute truth.

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A timeless true Linda

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